AW IMR16340 550mAh (Red) 2016
Official specifications:
- 550 mAh
- Voltage: 3.7V
- Charge Voltage: 4.2V
- Dimensions: 14D x 49H mm (+/- 0.1mm)
The old classic IMR battery in CR123 size.
Discharge curves look fairly good, the battery can easy deliver 1A, but not much more. Surprisingly the capacity is larger than specified.
The battery do not really have time to get hot.
The cell do not handle high currents very well, but has lot of capacity. Using the comparator it looks like the same cell that is used in the protected battery.
Notes and links
How is the test done and how to read the charts
How is a protected LiIon battery constructed
More about button top and flat top batteries
Comparison to other LiIon batteries